Chronicles of my adventure down under!


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Sunday, September 2

Lekumba, Bourne Ultimatum, and Aussie culture

It has been a jam packed couple of days. On Friday, we went to this place called Lekumba, which is a predominantly Lebanese suburb. It was really fun to get some food and walk around the middle eastern shops. Then we saw Bourne Ultimatum which was amazing! If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend you go. Then my friends had heard how much I love MARGARITAS and we were able to find some at Opera Bar. Yup, that's right-- at the Opera House! It was so swanky. They actually had pear margaritas, which weren't as good as the lime, but it was still fun. A bunch of my friends here never had a margarita so I think my new goal is to find the best margarita in Sydney. I know they are out there, I just have to find them.

Then yesterday, a guy in my Spanish class, in his words, "emersed me in Australian culture". It was really fun. We got snacks, went bush walking, and he showed me his high school. He kept asking me the most bizarre questions- like "have you seen barbeque chicken before or is that an Australian thing?" Haha. Can you believe he had his first peanut butter and jelly sandwich a month ago? And he kept saying "I can talk American you know- traaaaaash", which apparently is a strictly American word. Then last night we had iNight which is a talent show here in the International House. It was really fun.

This week is going to be crazy because of APEC. There are 21 world leaders coming, and they are basically shutting down the whole city. I really wanted to go to the beach next weekend after my exams but I think it's going to be pretty difficult to get around because they are shutting down a bunch of train stations. I guess this is the biggest event they have had in Sydney since the Olympics. There are going to be thousands of protestors everywhere. I'm actually really excited- I think it's going to be quite an experience!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, margaritas at last! Long live the lime 'ritas!