Chronicles of my adventure down under!


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Sunday, December 9

Sarah Goes Across the Harbour Bridge

My weekend in doing all those touristy things I should have been doing over the semester. It's been pouring all week but luckily we got a nice morning before the rain started up again to walk across the Harbour Bridge! (finally! this is normally one of the first things people do here, haha)

Guess you can tell by now this is the Opera House...

CBD (Central Business District = downtown Sydney)

From the top of the pylon- can you see the people walking on top of the bridge?

I love this city!!!!

Yay! We made it across what my internship supervisor called "Guantanamo Bay"- see all the fences and security cameras? I also think we saw at least 4 security guards in 30 minutes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really don't know how you are going to leave. It is so beautiful there. And, it looks like it suits you too. You look fabulous.