Chronicles of my adventure down under!


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Tuesday, August 7

Travel Plans!

Last week I was looking for cheap tickets to Melbourne because I'm hoping to go there over the semester break, and I ran across a sale on tickets to Kuala Lumpur. I originally had no plans to travel outside Australia just because it is so expensive. But after some serious thinking, I took the plunge and bought the tickets! My bank account is really not happy with me right now, but I figure when else am I 1) going to have this much free time that I can travel so much and 2) will be back in Asia Pacific. Plus, it will actually be about the same price for me to go to Malaysia and Singapore as it would be the Australian outback. So I probably will not make it to Uluru as I originally hoped, but I think I'll still see plenty in this region. These are my travel plans so far- I'm so excited!!

Aug 12: Blue Mountains (they are right outside Sydney)
Sept 21-26: Melbourne (tentative)
Oct 26 - Nov 1: New Zealand! (with Lisa Chang from TX)
Nov 18 - 27: Malaysia & Singapore!
Dec 1 - Dec 16: Cairns to Sydney (tentative)

When will I actually be studying during all of this? Good question, I haven't figured that part out yet ;)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like your internship should be on "travel"! Have fun.

Steph said...

sounds like my time here in the UK. enjoy it! you'll have plenty of time to study. :-)

Anonymous said...

I am extremely jealous of you right now.

Anonymous said...

Take lots and lots of pictures....Mom